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SMCD MD Synthetic Mono Crystalline Diamond Dies
SMCD MD Synthetic Mono Crystalline Diamond Dies
SMCD MD Synthetic Mono Crystalline Diamond Dies
SMCD MD Synthetic Mono Crystalline Diamond Dies
SMCD MD Synthetic Mono Crystalline Diamond Dies
SMCD MD Synthetic Mono Crystalline Diamond Dies
SMCD MD Synthetic Mono Crystalline Diamond Dies
MN offers diamond drawing dies with synthetic single crystal diamond blanks for drawing ferrous and non-ferrous wires from 0.020 to 0.600 mm. Larger SMCD MD Mono die sizes are available upon request
Synthetic Mono crystalline Diamond (SMCD) wire drawing die
Man-made diamond
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SMCD MD Synthetic Mono Crystalline Diamond Dies

Synthetic single crystal diamonds, also called synthetic mono crystal diamond, and abbreviated as SMCD, SSCD, MCD, or AD are man-made diamonds manufactured under controlled conditions and are free from inclusions and cracks. These tightly controlled quality aspects lead to a more predictable and constant die performance than that of a natural diamond die.

MN offers diamond drawing dies with synthetic single crystal diamond blanks for drawing ferrous and non-ferrous wires from 0.020 to 0.600 mm. Larger sizes are available upon request.

The SSCD blanks that MN uses are all <111> oriented. The result is a close-to-round wear pattern for each die, a quality aspect that previously could only be obtained in small natural diamond dies,The SMCD is suitable for the same applications as natural diamond dies

Blank dimensions of SSCD drawing dies are more consistent than natural diamond blanks, ensuring more predictable recut performance than natural diamond drawing dies.

SMCD MD Synthetic Mono Crystalline Diamond Dies
Drawing Die Options
Several drawing die materials may be available depending on drawing needs. The table below provides an overview of materials available. Relative durability and price will help determining which one will be ideal for your particular application. Please discuss your drawing needs with an MN Manufactory expert to make sure you use the best and most cost-effective wire drawing die.
Nib material SSCD




Size range availability (1)
Min. 0.007 mm 0.040 mm 0.127 mm 0.007 mm
Max. 2.150 mm 35.0 mm n/a 2.0 mm
Approx. relative durability (2)
Non-ferrous 17 – 33x 50 – 500x 1x 17 – 33x
Ferrous 4 – 9x 8 – 70x 1x 4 – 9x
Approx. relative price (3)
0.460 mm 3x 3 – 8x 1x 5x
1.001 mm 15x 7 – 8x 1x 15x
10 mm 20 – 26x 1x
Physical properties (4)
Elastic modulus 1120 850 – 1150 450 – 650 700 – 1220
Thermal conductivity 800 – 2000 500 – 600 100 300 – 1000
  • 1.The size range is for indication only. The maximum and minimum size depends on the required drawing die profile. MN Manufactory’s Drawing Die Wizard software can be used to check if a certain blank can be used, or ask MN Manufactory for guidance.
  • 2.Relative durability is a comparison to tungsten carbide dies. The durability is for indication only and can differ depending on the drawn wire type, wire condition, lubricant used, and wire drawing conditions.
  • 3.Relative price is a comparison to tungsten carbide dies. The relative price is for indication only and can differ depending on the tolerance, die geometry, casing size and any other requirements.
  • 4.Elastic modulus is measured in GPa, and thermal conductivity in W/mK. More information on elastic modulus and thermal conductivity can be found on Wikipedia.
Wire Drawing Die
Item Soft wire product Hard wire product
Bell angle (α) 70°±20° 60°±20°
Approach angle (β) 35°±5° 30°±5°
Reduction angle (γ) 18°±2° 12°±2°
Bearing length (D) 20-50 40-60
Back relief angle(θ) 20-50 15°±5°
Exit angle (φ) 50°±20° 50°±20°
Standard configuration for other wire types also available


Applicability and Product Use
Synthetic single crystal diamond has essentially the same material properties as natural diamond; therefore, SSCD diamonds can be used as an alternative to all applications where natural diamond is used.
Synthetic Mono crystal diamond can be chosen as a raw material for the following products :
●Wire drawing dies
●Bunching, Stranding and Compacting dies
●Shaped wire drawing dies
●Extrusion tools
●Burnishing dies

SMCD dies are frequently used for drawing:

Bonding wire (gold, copper, aluminum)
Medical wire
Stainless steel wire
Copper wire
EDM wire
Special alloy and high-performance alloy wire
Precious metal wire
Various other ferrous and non-ferrous metal wire types
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