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VNT NCDC Nano Diamond Coating Wire Drawing Dies
VNT NCDC Nano Diamond Coating Wire Drawing Dies
VNT NCDC Nano Diamond Coating Wire Drawing Dies
The ultra-smooth layer of diamond on a tungsten carbide die ensures the smoothest wire surface that is possible today. The VNT NCDC Nano diamond coated wire drawing dies are perfect combination of large-size availability of tungsten carbide and the ideal surface properties of randomly oriented synthetic diamond.
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Maintenance and cost
VNT NCDC Nano Diamond Coating Wire Drawing Dies

VNT NCDC Nano diamond is Chemical Vapor Deposition polycrystalline diamond material and manufactured by means of a diamond synthesis technology in which a low pressure reactor is used to combine a thermal or plasma activating agent with a gas-phase carbon to produce a chemical reaction which results in polycrystalline

VNT NCDC Nano Diamond Coating Wire Drawing Dies
Hole Size Range
0 1
From 0.010mm to 0.800mm
0 2
From 0.020mm to 1.200mm
VNT NCDC Nano Diamond Coating Wire Drawing Dies
VNT NCDC Nano Diamond Coating Wire Drawing Dies
Vickers hardness 8000-10000 kg/mm2
Thermal Stability: ~1200°C
Young’s modulus:1000-1100Gpa
Thermal conductivity: >8W/cm. K
Chemical stability: insoluble in alkali and acid
Friction coefficient(contrary to the steel):<0.1
Drawing Die Options
CVD-H/R1210 1.2 0.8
CVD-H/R1510 1.5 0.8
CVD-H/R1512 1.8 0.8
CVD-H/R1515 2.0 0.8
CVD-H/R2010 2.0 1.0
CVD-H/R2510 D6 2.5 1.0
CVD-H/R2512 2.5 1.2
CVD-H/R3010 3.0 1.0
CVD-H/R3215 D12 3.2 1.5
CVD-H/R3218 3.2 1.8
CVD-H/R4020 4.0 2.0
VNT NCDC Nano Diamond Coating Wire Drawing Dies
VNT NCDC Nano Diamond Coating Wire Drawing Dies
Improved diameter stability
High machine uptime
Reduced energy consumption
Excellent wire surface
Maintenance and cost
VNT NCDC Nano Diamond Coating Wire Drawing Dies
Maintenance-free (no recuts, easy handling)
Exceptional durability; Low friction coefficient;
High diameter accuracy; Available even for large diameters
Diamond coated dies do not need to be recut and are simply discarded after use, reducing logistics and stock-keeping costs; additional savings are provided by not having to return the product for refurbishing.
The ultra-smooth layer of diamond on a tungsten carbide die ensures the smoothest wire surface that is possible today. The diamond coated die is the perfect combination of large-size availability of tungsten carbide and the ideal surface properties of randomly oriented synthetic diamond.
Cost differences vs. TC dies are quickly offset due to lowered running costs (lowered cost of ownership), you will start saving money from the start!
Wire Drawing Die

Hard metal fine wire e.g. tungsten, molybdenum & stainless steel.


Item Soft wire product Hard wire product
Bell angle (α) 70°±20° 60°±20°
Approach angle (β) 35°±5° 30°±5°
Reduction angle (γ) 18°±2° 12°±2°
Bearing length (D) 20-50 40-60
Back relief angle(θ) 20-50 15°±5°
Exit angle (φ) 50°±20° 50°±20°
Standard configuration for other wire types also available
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